SBTDC Business of Innovation Sept – Google Docs

SBTDC Business of Innovation Sept. 25, 2024

John Ujvari  SBTDC director of tech commercialization

(4) John Ujvari | LinkedIn

Helping to identify funding sources market research and customer discovery legal in building an innovation based business 

Connor Steenbock – SBIR/STTRs

Connor Steenbock | LinkedIn

What SBTDC is  Small Business and Technology Development Center 

Funded thru SBA and state govt

Statewide business advisory service for small businesses of NC

General business counselors are Industry agnostic advisors  serve businesses with revenue and employees looking to grow

Business launch  serves new entrepreneurs

Intl business


Our team  Technology Commercialization

Free and confidential

Help bring tech to market

Funding strategy dilutive and non dilutive

Sbir sttr non dilutive

Innovation driven businesses may be years away from generating revenue

Still need to pay for salaries, facilities, equipent protecting intellectual property

marketing business development

Funding options are stage specific

Pre-venture  bootstrap friends and family

Startup bootstrap friends daily R*D grans/contracts   angels

Eary stage  R&D  grants  angels  venture

R&D grants contract his focus

SBIR/STTR  only for small businesses

For R&D

1.9B from DoD

DBIR $3.5B year  STTR 450M yr

DOD is 49%

DHHS incl NIH is $1.2B

The goal is commercialization. Developing an innovative solution to aproblem 

Showing that theres a real market opportunity that you have validated and shown that you can capture 

Small business in business for profit and US based

R&D work will be done in US  owned maj by individuals

Under 500 employees 

More than 50% of grants go to under 10 people in size

Almost half are first time winners

SBIR for small businesses up to a third can be subcontracted to any sized business or federal agency

11 agencies  that do sbir

Sttr  designed coop between research institution and small business

Small biz is lead awardee  

Min of 30% subcontracted to research institutieon

Lot of times a university but can be nonprofit R&D or federal funded R*D center

Up to 60 % can be done at partner institution  

PI  can be located there

6 agencies do STTR often less applicants


No expectation you will provide any kind of good to the govt

Your deliverable is you are doing the R&D  

Expected to report back

If govt give you an SBIR contract

They are interested in solving a problem that they actually have

Define closely what kind of tech solution theyre looking for

Essential to show dual use commercial potential

May dump out into eventual procurement once you complete the sBIR contract 

This is one of the best ways to get into a sole-source contract if your product is successful

Extra fiscal reporting 


Grant agencies

These are not going to be an eventual customer They are really only interested in  funding R&D because that is their mission to do impactful R&D

They are interested in technology that solves a commercial marketplace driven problem

 Some general areas where they want to fund R&D

Very investigator drive  youre bringing opportunity to them

Three phase program

Phase 1 Concept development  often the first money in for a company

On paper some prelim R&D

In DoD speak a low-technology readiness level

Short projects showing concept is feasible

And advancing it to a point where you can derisk it justify continuing to do R&D

In phase 2 prototype development you need to be successful in phase 1 to apply for phase 2

Award rate jumps up between phase 1 and 2 

Applicant pool is smaller

Not uncommon to see phase 2 awards 1.5 million and up

2 years to do project

The idea being that by the time you finish your Phase 2 project you’ll have something that is a working prototype or something that is close enough to market that you could secure some additional outside funding potentially to continue R&D

Phase 3 is a little bit imaginary 

That’s Not to say its not real butjust to say there’s no further funding in Phase 3

There’s not going to be a Phase 3 SBIR grant given to your company

Its at this point that the agency expects that you’ll be able to commercialize or secure outside funding from another source

Here’s a tip:  Look for things that go outside of this typical structure if this shoes doesn’t quite fit

So fast track where you apply for phase 1 and 2 at the same time can be an option

And direct to phase 2 if you’ve done some of that concept development work already and its seems like a phase 1 is for earlier stage research than what you really need to do

NIH does these a lot of department of defense branches will consider doing these

How do we find the right federal agency to apply to

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